Message from the CEO

Achieving Societal and
Economic Value through
Resource Circulation

The Global Risks Report 2024, published by the World Economic Forum, identifies the top four critical risks likely to dominate over the next decade: extreme weather events, critical change to Earth’s systems, biodiversity loss and ecosystem collapse, and natural resource shortages. Meanwhile, Japan’s Fifth Fundamental Plan for Establishing a Sound Material-Cycle Society calls for the promotion of resource circulation for minerals and other resources, not only contributing to climate change mitigation and biodiversity conservation but also supporting economic security. This plan positions the transition to a circular economy as a national strategy.

Our core business involves the production of precious metals, including gold, silver, palladium, and platinum, as well as rare metals, with a particular focus on recycling for resource recovery. For example, this fiscal year, we are aiming to produce 40 tons of recycled gold within Japan alone. This volume is equivalent to the fourth largest production from all gold mines worldwide. Notably, recent growth has been exceptional, and there is compelling evidence that recycled resources are outpacing natural resources in terms of opportunities for acquisition through industrial and consumer activities.

This growth is underpinned by the economic reality that gold produced through our recycling processes holds greater value than gold extracted through mining. This is supported by data indicating that our recycled gold production emits 98% less CO2 than gold produced through mining. By delivering societal value that contributes to addressing climate change and resource depletion, while simultaneously creating economic value, we are gaining greater confidence in the potential for our business to thrive.

In line with our Purpose, “Totally Committed to Protecting the Natural Environment and Preserving Resources,” as stated in the ARE Group Way, we are committed to protecting limited resources and the global environment, contributing to the realization of a sustainable world. Through these efforts, we aim to continue to grow as a company, striving to achieve our business objectives and enhance corporate value. We humbly ask for the understanding and support of all our stakeholders as we work toward achieving these goals.

January 2025
Tomoya Higashiura
Representative Director, President & CEO
ARE Holdings, Inc.