What Are Green Bonds?

Green bonds are bonds used to finance projects that have an impact on environmental improvement (green projects) including initiatives that combat global warming and that promote renewable energy. This will be the first green bond to be issued in the non-ferrous metal industry in Japan.

Purpose and Background of Green Bond Issue

The Group has two business segments, precious metal recycling and the environmental preservation, both of which contribute directly to the resolution of the earth’s sustainability, a social challenge on a global scale based on our common Purpose of being “Totally Committed to Protecting the Natural Environment and Preserving Resources.” The Company also launched the Asahi Clean Project to promote local cleanup drives by employees to encourage them to take part in eco-conscious activities.

Recently, as part of the Group’s sustainability management initiatives, the Company decided to issue a green bond to raise the funds required to introduce eco-friendly plants and equipment. Moving forward, the Group will continue to launch initiatives aimed at global sustainability.

Overview of the Green Bonds

Name Asahi Holdings Green Bond
Issue date March 31, 2020
Term of issuance 5 years
Amount to be issued 5 billion yen
Use of funds
  1. Renewal of incinerator and construction of power generation facility at the Shinmoji Plant of Japan Waste Corporation.
  2. Renewal of incinerator at the Hibiki Plant of Japan Waste Corporation.
  3. Construction of incinerator at the Taniyama Rinkai Plant of Japan Waste Corporation.

The funds have been used to help promote the following SDGs.

Rating GA1: Rating and Investment Information, Inc. (R&I)
Underwriter MUFG Bank, Ltd.

Third-Party Evaluation of Eligibility

Rating and Investment Information, Inc. (R&I) has given a GA1 rating, the highest rating for R&I Green Bond Assessment, for the eligibility of this green bond.

Please refer to the R&I website for more details.

Related Documents

Notice on the Determination of Issuance Terms of Green Bond (Private Placement Bond)(167KB)