Basic Sustainability Policy and Structure

Sustainability Vision

Being sustainable is our fundamental approach to business, and we are working proactively to help resolve social issues based on this vision.

The ARE Holdings Group has developed business operations over a long period based on our Purpose of being “Totally Committed to Protecting the Natural Environment and Preserving Resources.” Our business activities are our way of contributing to sustainability, and we are achieving business growth while helping to resolve the issues that society faces. Today, as action is required by all of society, including corporations, we will enhance our mission by proactively working to achieve goals that we set for issues where we can make significant contributions toward resolving.

Approach to Sustainability

With “Totally Committed to Protecting the Natural Environment and Preserving Resources” as our Group’s common shared purpose, we are committed to making effective use of resources and working on broad-based environmental preservation. Guided by the convictions that our business operations contribute to sustainability and that our business growth will directly help us to address social issues, we have established priority issues, themes, and targets, and are working hard to achieve them.

Sustainability Promotion System

Our Group’s sustainability initiatives are driven by the Sustainability Committee, which convenes quarterly. The Sustainability Committee consists of the Representative Director, President & CEO; the presidents of our operating companies; and the heads and members of the technology development and administration departments, with the CEO serving as the chairperson. The Sustainability Committee deliberates on sustainability-related strategies, plans, measures, risk management, and monitoring. In addition to reporting matters discussed by the Sustainability Committee to the Board of Directors every quarter, effective governance is ensured by having the Board of Directors pass resolutions on matters of import.