We welcome workplace diversity, so ARE Holdings Group’s employees respect each other’s individuality. Our various initiatives are intended to create an inclusive workplace where every employee can demonstrate their abilities.

Enhancing the Foundations of Work-Life Balance and Diversity

Optional three-day weekend and designated 10-day annual leave system

This program has been in place since October 2022, aiming to both maintain and enhance labor productivity in our business operations while accommodating the diverse personal lives of our members. It encompasses not only childbirth, childcare, school runs, nursing care, medical treatments, and doctor visits, but also encourages the use of newly created personal time for re-skilling (relearning through self-improvement) as well as hobbies and leisure activities.

Rest intervals and no late-night work

To ensure the health of employees, we have introduced a work system that requires a rest interval of at least 11 hours before an employee can return to work the next day. The level of achievement is also checked systematically, and the goal is to reach 100% compliance. In addition, with the exception of shift workers, employees are prevented from working during late-night hours: 10 p.m. to 5 a.m.

Company-wide promotion of employment for individuals with disabilities

Through the Sustainability Committee, we are actively promoting a corporate culture and workplace environment where employees with disabilities can thrive. Rather than treating the employment of individuals with disabilities merely as a social responsibility or obligation, we aim to achieve diversity, equity, and inclusion by enabling these employees to contribute to business growth and find meaning in their work. These efforts are reflected in our achievement of the legally mandated employment rate.

Improving employee engagement

We have transitioned from conducting a company-wide survey every three years to conducting it annually with enhanced content, allowing for more precise measurement of employee and organizational engagement levels. The results are shared with all employees. Additionally, we provide organizational leaders with training and expertise to drive engagement improvements, establishing a framework where each organization can independently take the initiative in implementing enhancements.

Support for work-life balance

We are working to create a supportive environment for employees who need time off for family reasons, such as expecting a baby, raising young children, or caring for a family member. Employees take shortened work hours following maternity leave and up until their child leaves elementary school (sixth grade), which goes beyond the legal requirements. Our system also makes it easy for employees to take other legally mandated leave and allows them to adjust their work to their personal circumstances.

Encouraging men to take paternity leave

Promoting a diverse work culture that accommodates the varied working styles and contributions of all our employees cannot be achieved solely by targeting female employees. In addition to raising awareness about paternity leave among male employees, we are promoting the creation of an environment where men can comfortably engage in childcare, including running in-house training programs (under the banner of Asahi Learning) for all managers.

Overview of Flexible Working Arrangements

Systems Content Eligibility
New work styles

We offer workplace-specific options such as a three-day weekend model and a designated 10-day annual leave system

Offering flexible work options accommodates a wide range of personal needs, not just for childbirth, childcare, school pick-ups, nursing care, and medical treatment, but also for re-skilling and achieving a better work-life balance

Regular, contract, and associate employees
Flexible working hours If there are constraints on working hours that prevent the adoption of new work styles, adjustments can be made flexibly within the month’s predetermined working hours Shift workers, part-time workers, etc.
Shorter working hours
(for childcare and nursing care)
Shorter working hours of up to 6 hours per day
(Childcare option available until the child completes sixth grade)
All employees
Work from home
(for childcare and nursing care)
Up to two days of work from home per week All employees
Special leave
(for childbirth)
Up to three days of paid leave when a spouse gives birth All employees
Nursing care leave Up to five days per year per person, available in one-hour units All employees

Health and Productivity Management

Our purpose is to be “Totally Committed to Protecting the Natural Environment and Preserving Resources,” and we are committed to balancing the resolution of social issues with ongoing enhancements to our corporate value. As stated in the ARE Group Way Values, “Care for Others,” we regard each employee as the driving force of our organization and a crucial management foundation. By promoting health and productivity management, we aim to address key management challenges, including the sustainable growth of the company, organizational revitalization, and increased productivity.

ARE Holdings Health Declaration

The ARE Holdings Group recognizes that every employeeʼs mental and physical health are assets to the company and is working to enhance corporate value by building healthy, productive workplaces.

Tomoya Higashiura
Representative Director, President & CEO

Recognition as a certified health and productivity management organization

Our company has consecutively received the Health and Productivity Management Organization Certification since 2020.

The Health and Productivity Management Organization Certification, promoted by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, is evaluated and granted by the Nippon Kenko Kaigi (Japan Health Council), a public-private partnership. This certification recognizes corporations that strategically incorporate employee health management into their business practices and actively pursue initiatives to enhance health and productivity.

Promotion system

The President & CEO of ARE Holdings is responsible for employee health management, and the Human Resources Department, as the responsible department, is taking the initiative to maintain and improve our employees’ health in cooperation with related departments, committees, occupational physicians, and insurers (Japan Health Insurance Association).

Health Management Strategy Map

Based on the Health Management Strategy Map, which highlights management challenges to be addressed through health-focused initiatives, we are advancing various measures. By promoting health management through the lenses of health support, workstyle reform, workplace environment improvement, and literacy enhancement, we aim to boost employee productivity and creativity, improve physical and mental well-being, and achieve overall well-being.

Health Management Strategy Map (Japanese version only)

Background and rationale for setting target indicators

Our goal in pursuing health management is to enable each employee to work healthily and energetically while fully utilizing their abilities. To this end, we have identified two key challenges: 1) preventing age-related health deterioration in an aging workforce and 2) maintaining and improving mental health. Consequently, our target indicators include: 1) the improvement rate of follow-up medical examinations and the implementation rate of individual follow-ups for employees at high risk of issues such as elevated blood pressure and blood sugar levels, and 2) the attendance rate for mental health training and scores related to healthy sleep and exercise habits. By addressing these challenges and improving the health of each employee, we aim to achieve our ultimate outcome indicators (KPIs), including enhanced presenteeism (vitality) evaluations and reduced average absenteeism.

Major Initiatives

  • Running a robust health exam program that exceeds legal requirements and thoroughly managing mental and physical health
  • Encouraging employees to understand the importance of their own health and helping them maintain a healthy lifestyle
  • Promoting work style reforms with the aim of improving the work-life balance

Progress and performance data on initiatives for health and productivity management (Japanese version only)

Robust health exam program that exceeds legal requirements

Our company offers a comprehensive health checkup system that significantly exceeds statutory standards. We recommend gastroscopy for employees aged 35 and older, with the company fully covering the examination costs. Additionally, employees aged 40 and older can choose between a PET scan or a brain MRI/MRA as part of our “Advanced Screening” program, also fully covered by the company. Employees who wish to undergo a colonoscopy may do so as well.

We actively encourage follow-up examinations based on the results of various health screenings. For employees who receive a recommendation for further testing, we provide a subsidy of ¥5,000 per test item. Through these initiatives, we aim to promote early detection and treatment, support employees’ health maintenance and improvement, and enhance health literacy and primary prevention.

List of health checkup programs

Mental health care

Since good mental health is essential for improving productivity and vitality, employees are provided individual consultations and other services by industrial physicians specializing in mental health. In addition, stress checks are given to all employees at all sites including workplaces with fewer than 50 people.

After conducting the checks, we provide all employees with training on mental self-care to enhance their awareness and understanding. Additionally, we perform group analyses of stress check results for each site, and for high-risk sites, we deliver targeted feedback to improve workplace conditions. Through these initiatives, we aim to foster more supportive and employee-friendly work environments.

Creating a Safe Workplace

To reduce occupational accidents, we have adopted the concept of OSHMS, a systemized approach to risk management, and established systematic safety processes to ensure ongoing health and safety management. Through initiatives such as risk assessments and hazard prediction training, we are strengthening accident prevention and safety education, with a focus on preventing serious accidents and disasters.