About Us and Our Business Segments

When was ARE Holdings, Inc. established?
April 1, 2009. For more details, please see the page, Our History.
What are your group companies?
Please see the page, Group Companies.
Can you outline the Company’s business activities?
The Group is engaged in two businesses, Precious Metals Business and Environmental Preservation Business.
For more details, please see the page, Group Businesses.
When was the Company’s stock listed on the Tokyo Stock Exchange?
The Company’s stock was listed on April 1, 2009. For more details, please see the page, Basic Information in Stock Information Section.
Who is on the Board of Directors?
Please see the page, Directors and Officers.
Can you outline the Company’s initiatives to improve corporate governance?
Please see the page, Governance.
Can you outline the Company’s initiatives in the area of sustainability?
Please see the page, Sustainability.

About Financial Results and Finances

When is the settlement date and the scheduled date for the announcement of the Company’s financial results?
The settlement date is March 31. Regarding the announcement date for our financial results, please see the page, IR Events.
Where can the latest financial information and financial data be found?
The financial-related information are posted on the page, IR Archives.

About Stock Information

Where is the Company’s stock listed? And what is the Company’s securities code?
The Company’s stock is listed on the Prime Market of the Tokyo Stock Exchange. Our securities code is 5857.
What is the Company’s current stock price?
Please see the page on the Nomura Securities Co., Ltd. website. (Japanese version only)
How many shares are there in a trading unit?
One trading unit consists of 100 shares.
Who are the major shareholders?
Please see the page, Basic Information in Stock Information Section.
When is the annual general meeting of shareholders and the date of record for voting rights of the general meeting of shareholders?
The meeting is planned to be held in June each year, and the record date for voting rights is March 31 each year. For information about past meetings, please see the page, General Meetings of Shareholders.
Who should I contact regarding stock-related procedures?
Please see the page, Shareholder Procedures. (Japanese version only)
When is the record date for shareholders to receive dividend payments? What are the past dividend amounts? In addition, please let us know the status of past dividend amounts.
Dividend payment is made to shareholders registered as of September 30 for the interim period and March 31 for the year-end period. For the past status of the dividend payment, please see the page, Dividend Information.
Do you offer any shareholder benefits?
We discontinued the shareholder benefit program as of March 31, 2020. For details, please see the page here.

About Other Inquiries

Where can I make inquiries about Investor Relations?
Please use the inquiry form at the top of this website. Since the form is shared among different topics, please select the option of Investor Relations in the form, fill in your inquiry details and required information, and submit it.
Which of the 33 Tokyo Stock Exchange industries does the Company belong to?
Nonferrous Metals.