Basic Policy

ARE Holdings is committed to enhancing management transparency through proactive dialogue with shareholders and investors. By complying with laws, regulations, and related rules, and by providing timely, appropriate, and fair disclosure of information, the company strives to build trust with its diverse stakeholders.

Disclosure Standards

ARE Holdings discloses material information that could influence investment decisions by shareholders and investors in compliance with the Companies Act, the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act, other relevant laws and regulations, and the Tokyo Stock Exchange’s Rules on Timely Disclosure of Corporate Information by Issuers of Listed Securities (hereinafter, “Timely Disclosure Rules”). Furthermore, beyond legally required disclosures, the company proactively discloses financial and non-financial information it considers significant or beneficial.

Disclosure Methods

ARE Holdings discloses information subject to the Timely Disclosure Rules via the Timely Disclosure Network (TDnet) operated by the Tokyo Stock Exchange. After disclosure, the information is promptly published on the company’s website. To ensure fairness for stakeholders both in Japan and overseas, the company strives to provide English translations of key disclosure documents when necessary.

Dialogue with Shareholders and Investors

ARE Holdings’ investor relations (IR) activities are supervised by the President and executed by the IR department. Depending on the counterparties and the purpose of the discussions, directors--including the President and outside directors--may participate in meetings as necessary. To encourage constructive dialogue with shareholders and investors, the company strives to understand its shareholder composition, advance global IR activities, and report insights from these dialogues to the Board of Directors as appropriate.

Earnings Forecasts and Future Outlook

Earnings forecasts, future plans, strategies, and other forward-looking statements disclosed by ARE Holdings are based on information available at the time of disclosure and represent the company's judgment. However, actual results may differ significantly from these projections due to various uncertainties.

Internal Framework

ARE Holdings has developed an internal framework to ensure the timely and appropriate information disclosure of information in line with this Disclosure Policy, the Timely Disclosure Rules, and other relevant laws and regulations.


Silent Period

To prevent the leakage of financial information (including quarterly results) and to ensure fair disclosure, ARE Holdings observes a silent period from the day following the end of each fiscal quarter until the earnings announcement date. During this period, the company refrains from answering questions or comments on earnings or forecasts, except for inquiries concerned already disclosed information. However, if it becomes evident during this period that the earnings forecast will significantly deviate from expectations, the company will promptly disclose the information in accordance with the Timely Disclosure Rules.