Preserving Trust and Connections
A trusting relationship with all members has undoubtedly supported the development of our company. We have gone through several phases: beginning as a family-run business focused on personal ownership (“My Company”); evolving into a business centered on communal ownership (“Our Company”), where we worked with all members to create new ventures in response to various changes; and finally transforming into a publicly listed company with external ownership (“Your Company”), placing a strong emphasis on all shareholders and other stakeholders.
Throughout this journey, we have actively recruited a diverse workforce with an eye toward future globalization. At the same time, we have upheld a strong sense of mission and high ethical standards by promoting “The Asahi Way,” which consolidates our management philosophy and code of conduct, reflecting our traditional values. These values have now been passed down to the newly formulated “ARE Group Way.”
At the same time, we have strengthened our sustainable relationship with members by improving compensation through fair and impartial evaluations and a performance-based system. Additionally, we introduced internal feedback systems and satisfaction surveys, paying close attention to job satisfaction and work-life balance. Hoisting “Care for People” as the foremost value in ARE Group Way demonstrates our commitment to prioritizing physical and mental health. It is our collective of employees, who strive for mutual prosperity and business development, that forms the foundation for overcoming the challenges posed by changes in the business environment.
Strengths rooted in ARE’s history
Eight Factors Supporting Value Creation

Ability to Adapt to Change
By paying close attention to the business environment and lifecycle and by practicing flexible thinking, decisive action, and quick decision-making, we have built original business models and quickly exited businesses in decline. With the ability to respond in this manner, we will continue to maintain growth.

Industry-Leading Unique Technologies
We are proud of the original technologies we have developed. These include the following technologies: recovering precious metals with high efficiency, advanced assay capabilities, and product development based on accurately ascertaining customer needs. Through constant research and development, the Group continues to enhance its unique technologies in each of its business fields.

Shared Sense of Value
The Group’s growth has been driven by our members, who embody the groupwide values of ARE Group Way. Our members prioritize caring for people and embrace the spirit of taking on challenges. We actively invest in our human resources to continue building an organization with a shared sense of values.

Good Relationships with Stakeholders
We actively engage in dialogue with investors and listen to our customers and business partners to strengthen governance and develop our products and services. We value our mutual trust with our employees and the local community as we work to increase our long-term corporate value.

Management Capabilities for the Regeneration of Business
Over the past 20 years, we have brought more than 20 companies into the Group through M&As, and we have improved corporate management. Thanks to our flexible management capabilities matched to specific business environments, nearly all of our companies perform better than they did prior to joining the Group. We will continue to improve performance.

Trusted Asahi Brand
The Group’s precious metal products are highly regarded throughout the world for their reliable quality. We are committed to building a trusted Asahi brand by continuing to provide high-quality products and services in all of our businesses.

Globally Expanding Network
Since establishing a local subsidiary in Malaysia in 1994, we have expanded into other Asian countries, with a primary focus on South Korea. In 2015, we acquired a refining business in North America through an M&A, expanding our target customer base.

Substantial Market Share
Our highest priority is to satisfy our customers and business partners, and we have worked hard to improve our products and services. Our sales and technical capabilities that meet a wide range of needs have earned us the trust of our customers and enabled us to acquire a strong market share.
Putting the “Scrap and Build” Business Approach into Practice
Since our founding in 1952, we have consistently promoted businesses that contribute to the creation of a circular society, and we have now developed into a company that operates on a global scale.
Looking back on our company’s history, our journey has been a series of “Take on Challenges.” Our roots lie in the original business of recycling silver from photographic fixers. In 1975, we became the first company in Japan to obtain an industrial waste disposal license from Kobe City, which is a license for detoxifying waste photographic fluid containing hazardous substances. This was the turning point for our business to expand nationwide.
Since then, while managing to overcome various difficulties, we have taken on the challenge of creating new businesses and expanding into new fields. We have expanded the scope of our precious metals recycling to metal types beyond silver by collecting recyclable materials from various industrial sectors, such as dentistry, jewelry, electronics, and catalysts. In addition, we have acquired about 20 companies over the past 20 years, primarily in the Environmental Preservation Business. We have also obtained a North American refining company in a major acquisition, transforming our business portfolio. On the other hand, we did not hesitate to exit from businesses that we determined should not be continued from the perspectives of profitability, growth potential, and synergy. Our withdrawal from the photographic materials business and the Life & Health Business Segment, which were profitable at the time of withdrawal, are two such examples. Over the past 70 years since our founding, our “scrap and build” approach to business has allowed us to take on challenges.
Promoting Business Reform with an Emphasis on Speed
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