Site Policy

This website ( is operated by ARE Holdings, Inc. (the “Company”). Please read these Terms and Conditions of Use before using the website. By accessing or using the website, you agree to be bound by these terms. Please note in advance that these Terms and Conditions of Use are subject to change without prior notice. Please read the terms of use carefully before using any of the content that has its own terms of use.

Intellectual Property

The content on this website (including names, logos, marks, illustrations, photographs, text, and other copyrighted material) is protected by respective countries’ copyright laws as well as relevant treaties and legislation. You are prohibited to use, reproduce, modify, etc. the content beyond the scope permitted by law.

Prohibited Acts

You are strictly prohibited from doing any of the acts mentioned below while using this website.

  • The following acts against the Company or its affiliated companies and their officers or employees, or other companies (persons) or organizations:
    • Acts of defamation, calumniation, or intimidation;
    • Acts that cause disadvantage or damage;
    • Acts that may damage the credibility;
  • Illegal or potentially illegal acts; and
  • Acts against public order and morals.


The Company has made every effort to ensure the integrity of information provided on this website, but the Company makes no guarantees whatsoever regarding its reliability, accuracy or safety. The Company does not describe or indicate in any way whether the content hereof is appropriate for the environment of the person accessing the website. The Company will bear no responsibility for any damages incurred due to use of this website or the information featured therein.The person shall be deemed to have accessed this website at his/her own will and be responsible for the use hereof.
Some information provided on this website may include forward-looking statements, but the Company makes no guarantees regarding these statements. Actual results may differ from forecasts due to a variety of factors including economic trends, market demand, and exchange rates.
When using this site, please be fully aware that there are cases were all of the information disclosed to the stock exchange and other parties is not provided on the website, or where expressions differ from the disclosed information. The information provided on this website is not for the purpose of soliciting investment. Users should make a decision regarding investment based on their own judgment.
Content of this website may be changed or deleted, or operation of the website suspended, without prior notice. Please be aware of this beforehand.

Governing Law and Court of Jurisdiction

This website is under the control of the Company. While this website may be accessed from countries around the world with differing laws, both the person accessing this website and the Company agree to be bound by the laws of Japan and the ordinances of the Tokyo Metropolitan Government with respect to the use hereof.
Unless otherwise specified, the Tokyo District Court shall be the court of exclusive jurisdiction in the first instance for all disputes related to the use hereof.

Linking to This Website

Links to this website, whether commercial or non-commercial, are in principle permitted without contacting the Company in advance; provided, however, that the links from the following websites are strictly prohibited.

  • Links from websites that contain contents that slander or libel the products or services of the Company, or damage the credit of the Company;
  • Links from websites that contain illegal information;
  • Links from websites that contain the contents against public order and morals, and social ethics;
  • Links that may obscure the fact that information is from this website by means of frame links, image links or otherwise (Please set the link so that the entire browser screen will change to this website or a separate screen will open and this website will be displayed.); and
  • Links that may lead to misunderstanding that there is some kind of alliance or partnership with the Company or that the Company acknowledges or approves the website linked to this website.
  • The Company may ask an individual or entity that sets a link to this website to change the way to link to this website or delete the link even if the link does not fall under any of the above.

Please note that the Company may change or delete the URLs of this website without prior notice.

Access Data

This website contains certain pages in which information collection tags are embedded to aggregate usage (access) data, rather than to identify users’ personal information. Aggregated access data will be used to improve user convenience and to maintain and improve the quality of this website.

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The Company will not be responsible or liable for any inconvenience or damage arising from or relating to any third-party websites linked from this website.

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