1. Introduction
ARE Group Social Media Policy sets rules for ARE Holdings, Inc. and its group companies (“the Company”) as well as their employees to ensure they do not violate the rights and benefits of others through the use of social media. The Company and the employees will use the official social media accounts to improve customer service and enhance the Company’s trust and corporate value, in compliance with this policy.
2. Definition
The term “social media” in this policy refers to any platform that enables online communication among users. Examples include blogs, X (formerly Twitter), Facebook, YouTube, and others.
3. Principles for Social Media Use
Every employee of the Company should use social media with the following principles in mind: “Compliance with Rules” and “Attention to Ethics.”
(1) Compliance with Rules
Compliance with laws and internal regulations
We comply with all applicable laws and internal regulations.
Protection of intellectual property
When posting photos and videos, we comply with laws that protect intellectual property rights, including copyright and patent laws.
Protection of personal information and privacy
When posting personal or private information, including names and photos of others, we will obtain permission beforehand.
Protection of confidential information
We will not share information that should remain private, such as internal company information and customer-related data.
(2) Attention to Ethics
Proper sharing of information
Unnecessary sharing of information may unintentionally harm others. We will only share information that is appropriate for public disclosure, with an understanding of the characteristics of social media.
Truthful and responsible communication
We will not share information that may cause discomfort to others, such as defamatory or obscene content. We will promptly correct any incorrect information that has been shared.
Separation of public and private matters
When using social media with a personal account, we will clearly distinguish between public and private matters and clarify that the shared information reflects the individual’s personal opinion to avoid confusion.
Protection of confidential information
We will not share information that should remain private, such as internal company information and customer-related data.
4. Sharing Information on Official Accounts
In managing the Company’s official social media accounts, we aim to build strong relationships with society and customers through broad communication, while sharing information that enhances the Company’s brand image and corporate values.
5. Disclaimers
The Company makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of information posted on its official accounts, but it does not take responsibility for any actions taken by users that may be influenced by the information shared.
We are not responsible for any replies, forwards, reshares, or comments made by users on the official accounts.
The Company is not liable for any issues or conflicts related to the official account, whether between users or between users and third parties.
Content may be changed, transferred, or deleted without prior notice.
6. Managing Users and Comments
In the following cases, please understand that we may delete a post or block a user account without prior notice.
- Content that violates laws or may encourage illegal activity
- Defamation of any individual or organization
- Content related to government or religious activities
- Violation of intellectual property rights (including copyright, trademark, right of publicity, etc.) of the Company or third parties
- Advertising, marketing, solicitation, sales, and other commercial activities
- Discrimination or incitement of discrimination based on race, ideology, belief, or other characteristics
- Content that violates public order or good morals
- False or misleading information, rumors, or incitement of rumors
- Violation of privacy (including identification, disclosure, leakage, etc.) without consent
- Impersonation of other users, third parties, or others
- Redirecting viewers of the official accounts to another website or platform without obtaining their consent
- Redirecting users to harmful programs or malicious software
- Repeated posting of identical or similar comments by the same user
- Partial or complete modification of information shared by the Company
- Content unrelated to the information shared by the Company
- Violation of user terms of service
- Other information deemed inappropriate by the Company, including links to such content
7. Policy Dissemination and Revision
This policy is posted on the Company website and may be revised as necessary without prior notice. In such cases, the revised policy will take effect upon disclosure, and users will be subject to the updated policy from that point forward.
8. Terms and Conditions
Please note that the Company may suspend operations, delete posts, or remove the official accounts without prior notice.
The Company and the employees will not be held responsible for these actions.
For official announcements and positions, please refer to the Company website.