Human Resource Development

We are developing employees who enjoy taking on a challenge, using systems that fairly and objectively evaluate every employee’s contribution to business performance.

Training System Organization

We have implemented our own qualification systems and internal education courses with the goal of developing professional human resources who can operate on a global level, regardless of their position or occupation.

Major Initiatives for Human Resource Development

Talent Management System

We have thoroughly implemented a system where highly skilled employees are given the opportunity for promotion to higher positions, regardless of their career at the company or their age. To efficiently and effectively make these evaluations, we are implementing a talent management system that makes it easy to visualize the qualifications and skills of each employee. Going forward, we will use this system to exchange and recruit employees strategically in line with our business strategy, while looking to our long-term vision.

Overseas Trainee Program

We have introduced this trainee program to better understand the diversity of cultures through firsthand experiences and to cultivate a global perspective. This is part of our strategy to nurture future managers who can perform on the world stage. Currently, two young engineers from our Technical Research Center stay in North America, with the goals of not only improving their technical skills but also of developing the ability to adapt to a global environment.

Training for New Managers

This program offers a structured approach to learning the knowledge, behaviors, attitudes, and mindset required for effective management. Rooted in the values of the ARE Group Way, the program equips managers to practice these principles and foster a corporate culture aligned with the ARE Group Way.

Mentorship System

This system involves senior employees acting as mentors and providing structured on-the-job training (OJT), which facilitates rapid growth for new employees. Mentors undergo training, enabling them to develop foundational skills for managing and developing subordinates. Additionally, this system aims to foster the mindset of continuous learning and independent initiative, in alignment with the principles of the ARE Group Way.

Domestic Business Schools

This program allows employees to take business school courses with students from other companies. The aim is for them to acquire practical management skills and to expand their personal networks.

Asahi e-Learning

This is our own internal e-learning program, part of our initiative to share in-house knowledge across the Group. By using teaching materials and content created by each department, participants should deepen their understanding of company guidelines and operations, while improving their business skills.

Enhancing Skills and Career Development through Distance Learning

At our company, we prioritize the value of continuous learning and actively support skill enhancement and career development for all employees, regardless of gender. Our offerings include courses designed to build essential core skills for professional tasks, as well as mandatory programs tailored for promotions and career advancement, delivered via distance learning. In addition, we offer a diverse range of elective courses, empowering individuals to take charge of their own growth and realize meaningful career development.